CVX Installation Error

Hello there!
I am running into issues while installing CVX. Please let me know how to solve this error. I have given the output from MATLAB.



CVX: Software for Disciplined Convex Programming ©2014 CVX Research
Version 2.1, Build 1113 (9aaf6f1) Mon Dec 26 14:44:44 2016

Installation info:
Path: E:\Research\Publications\TCASI_2016\GP\cvx
MATLAB version: 7.12 (R2011a)
OS: Windows NT (unknown) amd64 version 6.2
Java version: 1.6.0_17
Verfying CVX directory contents:
No missing files.
Path: C:\Users\Srini\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\cvx_prefs.mat
License host:
Username: Srini
Host ID: 848f69bfbf08 (eth1)
Installed license:
Also in file: E:\Research\Publications\TCASI_2016\GP\cvx\cvx_license.dat
Organization: Washington State University
Contact: Srinivasan Gopal (
License type: academic
Named user: Srini
Host ID: 848f69bfbf08
Expiration: 2018-03-06 (364 days remaining)
Status: verified

Setting CVX paths…done.
Saving updated path…failed. (see below)
Searching for solvers…5 shims found.
3 solvers initialized (* = default):
Mosek {cvx}\mosek\w64

  • SDPT3 4.0 {cvx}\sdpt3
    SeDuMi 1.34 {cvx}\sedumi
    2 solvers skipped:
    Could not find a GLPK installation.
    Gurobi {cvx}\gurobi\w64
    No valid Gurobi license was found. (Please note that this
    license is not the same as the CVX license; it must be
    obtained directly from Gurobi Optimization.) If you do have
    a Gurobi license, the the Gurobi MEX file could not find it.
    Please consult the Gurobi documentation for assistance.
    Saving updated preferences…done.
    Testing with a simple model…
    UNEXPECTED ERROR: -----------------------------------------------------------------
    Invalid MEX-file
    The specified module could not be found.
    Error in ==> checkdepconstr at 97
    nnzmatold = mexnnz(AAt);
    Error in ==> sqlpmain at 92
    [At,b,y,indeprows,par.depconstr,feasible,par.AAt] = …
    Error in ==> sqlp at 241
    [obj,X3,y,Z3,info,runhist] = …
    Error in ==> cvx_run_solver at 50
    [ varargout{1:nargout} ] = sfunc( inputs{:} );
    Error in ==> cvx_sdpt3>solve at 362
    [ obj, xx, y, zz, info ] = cvx_run_solver( @sqlp, blk, Avec, Cvec,
    b, OPTIONS, ‘obj’, ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘info’, settings, 5 ); %#ok
    Error in ==> cvxprob.solve at 429
    [ x, status, tprec, iters ] = shim.solve( At, b, c,
    cones, quiet, prec, solv.settings, eargs{:} );
    Error in ==> cvx_end at 88
    solve( prob );
    Error in ==> cvx_setup at 213

Please report this error to support, and include entire output of
CVX_SETUP in your support request.

I have found the solution by installing the C++ libraries of Windows from a previous post.
