Hello everyone! While running my code based on cvx including 300*300 size matrices, involving estimation of one norm and sum of frobenius norm of off diagonal elements, I am getting the following error. Can someone please clarify the reason behind this and its solution? The error is:
Error using mexschur
Requested 179102x179100 (17179869184.0GB) array exceeds maximum array size preference (255.6GB). This might cause MATLAB to
become unresponsive.
Error in schurmat_sblk (line 41)
[nnzschur(p),nzlisttmp] = mexschur(pblk,At{p,1},par.nzlistA{p,1},…
Error in HKMpred (line 60)
schur = schurmat_sblk(blk,At,par,schur,p,X,par.Zinv);
Error in sqlpmain (line 342)
Error in sqlp (line 242)
Error in cvx_run_solver (line 50)
[ varargout{1:nargout} ] = sfunc( inputs{:} );
Error in cvx_sdpt3>solve (line 362)
[ obj, xx, y, zz, info ] = cvx_run_solver( @sqlp, blk, Avec, Cvec, b, OPTIONS, ‘obj’, ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, ‘info’, settings, 5 ); %#ok
Error in cvxprob/solve (line 435)
[ x, status, tprec, iters ] = shim.solve( At, b, c, cones, quiet, prec, solv.settings, eargs{:} );
Error in cvx_end (line 88)
solve( prob );
Error in Test_code_cvx_partial_W (line 74)
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