Saving/loading expressions

Hi, I would like to save an expression created between cvx_begin and cvx_end in order to re-use it each time I want to solve a similar problem. For instance:

% formulate and solve a problem for the first time
variable a
expression M(1000);

for i=1:1000
M(ii) = expression involving the decision variable a
save M % <<<<<------

minimize( max(M))
subject to
some constraints


% solve a similar problem (same M, different constraints)

variable a
expression M(1000)

load M % <--------- I would like to load the expression instead of creating it again

minimize( max(M))
subject to
other constraints


Apparently the expression can be saved and loaded but I get errors when minimizing.

Is there a way to save and load expressions?

No, this cannot be done.