On the slowness of sum(log(x))

In my optimization problem I have linear constraints and the concave objective function sum(log(1+x)), which is equivalent but not identical to sum(log(x)).

Since the value of the objective function is not so important in my case but the optimization variables are, I could just as easily have used sum(x) as the objective and treat it as a linear problem since the log-function is monotone. Why? I noticed that having sum(log(1+x)) as the objective rather than sum(x) slows down CVX a lot given that everything else is the same. Why is this so? Are different solvers used?

I provide example code to visualize my point. I have created a for loop where the two problems are solved multiple times to accentuate the time difference.

% Initialization
clear all
n = 3; m = 5; nr = 10;
A = rand(m,n);
b = 10ones(m,1);
l = zeros(n,1);
u = 10

% sum(log(1+x))
for r = 1:nr
cvx_begin quiet
variable x(n)
maximize( sum(log(1+x)) )
subject to
A*x <= b
l <= x <= u

% sum(x)
for r = 1:nr
cvx_begin quiet
variable x(n)
maximize( sum(x) )
subject to
A*x <= b
l <= x <= u

Your sum(x) formulation is a Linear Program, so is easy to solve. Your sum(log(1+x)) formulation requires use of CVX’s successive approximation method to deal with the exponential cone, and though it is a convex programming problem, it is a more difficult problem to solve than your corresponding Linear Program.

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I see. Makes sense. Thanks for the timely reply!

Hi, Mark.
I need to optimize sum(log(ax+1)), The logs are added up to 500 times, or even 1,000 times, but I often get a prompt of insufficient memory. I can only solve the problem of adding more than 200 times at most. If there are too many logs added, the running time and memory are both beyond my control. bearable. Is there any solution? Thank you in advance.

Perhaps if you show a complete reproducible problem, with CVX and solver output, someone can say something.