Is there a way around this error: Cannot perform the operation: {positive constant} ./ {convex}?


I am trying to implement an optimization problem of minimizing the inverse of trace of the inverse psd matrix. However, the / invokes X/Y as X.*(1./(Y)) with the condition being that Y is a constant. In my case X/Y = 1/(trace_inv(X)) or , Y = trace_inv(CVX variable). Here’s the code for you to check it out.

N = 8;
P = 0.1;


variable X(Ns,Ns) symmetric 
minimize(1/(trace_inv(X)))   %% or (inv_pos(trace_inv(X)))
subject to
    norm((trace(X)-P),2) <= 1e-5;


I’ve tried to implement it using a dummy variable (code below) which doesn’t work either.

N = 8;
P = 0.1;


variable X1(Ns,Ns) symmetric 
variable Y

subject to
    (trace_inv(X1).* Y) == 1;
    norm((trace(X1)-P),2) <= 1e-5;


Please let me know if there is a way around this.